profound compassionの例文
8990 compassion
The other two selections were 8990 Compassion ( discovered from Europe ) and 8992 Magnanimity ( discovered from Asia ). The other two selections were 8990 Compassion ( discovered from Euro......

a woman of great compassion
Diana was a woman of great compassion,

be filled with compassion
As shocking as those practices may seem to Americans _ isn't Sweden supposed to be filled with compassion and humanity ? _ we're in no position to point fingers.

bowels of compassion
"He freezes the bowels of compassion in a man, " she says, paraphrasing Mellors, Lady Chatterley's gamekeeper, on a specimen of modern art from his day.

buddha of compassion
The mantra is the very heart of Avalokitesvara ( the supreme Buddha of Compassion ) and can usher in Awakening. The 68-year-old leader is viewed by Tibetan Buddhists as the 14th reincarnat......

charter for compassion
The Teachers'Development Centre is a collaborator of the Charter for Compassion in Pakistan. She used that occasion to call for the creation of a " Charter for Compassion ", which was unve......

color of compassion
""'Color of Compassion " "'is the third album by the band Ellison described the album as a representation of a " change in season " for the band and what they had to overcome. ""'Brighter ......

colorado compassion club
In 2004 / 2005, he was a featured speaker at meetings of the Colorado Compassion Club in Denver. The "'Colorado Compassion Club "', founded in 2004, opened a storefront in 2005 and registe......

Compassion !, " opens at the Manhattan Theater Club. The concern and compassion shown by others has helped Bonner cope. We have learned that we cannot view compassion as a commodity. In re......

compassion and choices
However, Barbara Coombs Lee, the president of Compassion and Choices, defended Hartley. In 2003 Hemlock was merged with End of Life Choices, which changed its name to Compassion and Choice......

compassion and responsibility for animals
"' Compassion and Responsibility for Animals ( CARA ) "'is a registered non-profit, non-government animal welfare organization in the Philippines.

compassion australia
Over 100, 000 of these children are sponsored through Compassion Australia. His wife Jane Evans has been influential as the national board member of charity Compassion Australia.

compassion canada
Marie has two singles dedicated to Compassion Canada, " More Loved " and " One Act " and is currently working with Compassion Canada on her second album. Marie has two singles dedicated to......

compassion club
McCormick estimates there are between 30 and 50 compassion clubs across the country. Police in Gibsons have received no complaints about the compassion club from the community. Her compass......

compassion fatigue
"Compassion fatigue has long since set in, " the Hongkong Standard said. Most of their people will stay angry until compassion fatigue sets in. Several personal attributes place a person a......

compassion fatigues
They call the phenomenon " compassion fatigue ." Most of their people will stay angry until compassion fatigue sets in. The international community's compassion fatigue is not unreasonable......

compassion flight
Such flights are generically referred to as Compassion Flights. A "'compassion flight "'or "'public benefit flying mission "'is an aircraft flight provided in support of flying skills, and......

compassion focused therapy
Compassion focused therapy is especially appropriate for people who have high levels of shame and self-criticism and who have difficulty in feeling warmth toward, and being kind to, themse......

compassion in action
Robenalt runs Compassion in Action through First Baptist Church in Tempe. In 2016, she received Farm Sanctuary's " Compassion in Action Award " for her work on behalf of animal rights. As ......

compassion in care
In 2001 she founded Compassion in Care. In 2014 she co-founded The Whistler, a fellowship alliance between Compassion in Care and the Centre for Investigative Journalism ( CIJ ). As stated......

compassion in dying
Compassion in Dying asserts the rights of doctors and the terminally ill. Compassion in Dying : http : / / www . compassionindying . org Compassion In Dying : http : / / www . compassionin......

compassion in world farming
Compassion in World Farming : http : / / www . ciwf . co . uk/ He was awarded an MBE in 2002 for his work associated with Compassion in World Farming. The campaign was condemned by Compass......

compassion international
Compassion International Inc . : www . ci . org/ Mullins was also a major supporter of Compassion International and Compassion USA. He is also an avid spokesperson for sponsoring children ......

compassion of god
The function of the soul depends on the compassion of gods and Buddha. The Osborns emphasised the love and compassion of God, rather than the " fire and brimstone " commonly used by evange......

compassion over killing
Compassion Over Killing : http : / / www . cok . net A Benefit Compilation for Compassion Over Killing ". Meier became Compassion Over Killing's Executive Director in 2005, following five ......